How to Make Parse HTML Tools On Your blog

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Parse HTML tools or people said tools for convert adsense code or other scripts if you place adsense ads code or script on your blogger template so those not notification error.
How to Make Parse HTML Tools on your Blog
So you need this html tools for parsing the script of google adsense codes or ther script to copy and paste on blogspot.

How this parse html tools works

This parse html tools works for converting a character in adsense code you copying and converting to same code and not containg error if you put in template or mode html.

This html tools parse these code

< tobe &lt;
> tobe &gt;
& tobe &amp;
" tobe &quot;

Parse html tools

<script type="text/javascript">
function convert(){var ele1 = document.getElementById("somewhere");var replaced;replaced = ele1.value;replaced = replaced.replace(/&/ig, "&amp;");replaced = replaced.replace(/</ig, "&lt;");replaced = replaced.replace(/>/ig, "&gt;");replaced = replaced.replace(/"/ig, "&quot;");replaced = replaced.replace(/&#177;/ig, "&plusmn;");replaced = replaced.replace(/&#169;/ig, "&copy;");replaced = replaced.replace(/&#174;/ig, "&reg;");replaced = replaced.replace(/ya'll/ig, "ya'll");ele1.value = replaced;}
</script><br />
<table style="margin: 0px auto; padding: 5px 0; width: 100%;"><tbody>
<tr><td><textarea id="somewhere" style="background: none 0% 0% repeat scroll rgb(248 , 248 , 248); border: 2px solid rgb(204 , 204 , 204); height: 250px; margin: 0px auto; padding: 5px 0; text-decoration: none; width: 100%;"></textarea>
<input 5px="" onclick="convert();" padding:="" style="float: right;" type="button" value="Parse HTML" /></td></tr>

How to make parse html

You can try making tool for parsing adsense codes or other script like javascript to place on your posting you share so you can take it from your self on blog.

1. Placing on post as an article

- Sign in to blogger and in post tap or click new post and make sure you clicking html mode not choise compose

- place above html parse tools js script and publish.

2. Taking on Page post

Alternatively you can create as page post, choosing page in blogspot and don't forget to choose mode in html and paste that js above in layout page and publish

You can see like this Parse Html tools

It's easy to make parse html tools on blogger blogspot and of course you can place it on wordpress blog.

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