how to add adsense ads inside blogger blog posts amp pages

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Create adsense ads inside your Amp pages is easy to make while responsive ads or fixed size ads. Google said Responsive adsense ads unit automatically rezise view on screen user's device and Google have been optimese the adsense for amp page to ensure perfomes well ads viewable.
how to add adsense ads inside blogger blog posts amp pages
Before you start ensure that you place script adsense optimize for your amp pages. Place the script between head tag <head>amp adsense script</head>. Script you must place in :
<script async custom-element="amp-ad" src=""></script>
Adding and replace asyinc with asyinc="async" so if you save template not have an error. Save your template.
For showing amp page adsense ads, login to adsense acount and in dasboard adsense choose ads unit. Choose your ads unit size e.g. Choose adsense size unit 320x100 above the fold copy codes you will see script like this

<script async src="//"></script>

<ins class="adsbygoogle"





(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

For create amp adsense ads replace ca-pub-id and data-ad-slot and paste to below script codes

<amp-ad width="100vw" height=320






    <div overflow></div>

That is for non responsive amp adasense ads unit. Change for amp ads unit do you want for ads unit non responsive ads like 336x280, 300×350, 468x60, 768x90 or 160x300 or 300x600 what do you like for optimize your revenue earnings.
When you place adsense ads follow adsense rule and policy, and don't place amp page adsense inside parent container between <div> or <iframe>.

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